Cognitive Behavioral Therapist in Holly Springs

Cognitive Behavioral Therapist

Finding a cognitive behavioral therapist is as easy as calling Reframe Counseling Services. Our trained and certified partners are ready to help your mental health condition. Disturbing or destructive thought patterns can have a negative influence on your emotions and behavior. Stress at work, heartbreak in a relationship, trauma due to an accident, or sudden death of a close person may cause such behavioral changes.

But that doesn't mean you have to live with it. There are ways to treat this type of condition. And it is wise to take help as soon as possible to ensure the condition doesn't worsen. The best way to treat such problems is through cognitive-behavioral therapy.

What is Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy?

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a psychotherapeutic treatment that aims to identify and improve the behavioral changes due to the above-mentioned reasons. It tries to divert your mind from negative emotions and behaviors and leads you to think clearly and according to the present situation. The treatment slowly changes your automatic negative thoughts that usually contribute and worsen your depression, anxiety, and emotional difficulties. Most of these spontaneous negative thoughts eventually have a detrimental effect on your mood.

This type of therapy explores different ways to influence your emotions that can set up a positive mindset towards life and affect your actions positively. Once you get used to this therapy, you will learn to reframe your thoughts and lead a positive lifestyle.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy involves a range of techniques that address your emotions, behaviors, and thoughts. From self-help materials to psychotherapies, the type of treatment may differ depending on your condition.

Here are a few therapeutic approaches involved with CBT:

Dialectical Behavior Therapy
This therapy addresses your thoughts and behaviors while also incorporating different strategies like mindfulness and emotional regulation.

Cognitive Therapy
It focuses on changing your distorted thinking patterns, behaviors, emotional responses, and inaccurate and negative thinking.

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
It identifies various irrational beliefs you may have due to recent events. This therapy challenges those beliefs and recognizes the thought patterns that control them.

Multimodal Therapy
It addresses seven interconnected modalities, such as sensation, behavior, affects, interpersonal factors, biological considerations, cognition, and imagery.

What Are the Three Components of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy? And How Can a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist Help?

Cognitive-behavioral therapy has three components that analyze different parts of your mind and tries to straighten your thoughts.

Cognitive Therapy

Disturbing thoughts and negative behavioral patterns are two crucial reasons why you need CBT. And cognitive therapy focuses primarily on these two things. Exaggerated biases and ineffective thinking causes negative emotions. Cognitive therapy helps to identify these self-defeating patterns.

It also teaches you how to respond to these patterns with balanced and reality-based thinking. As a result, you eventually have fewer emotional problems, which is a result of cognitive restructuring.

Behavioral Therapy

This therapy focuses on the influential components that control your problematic psychological patterns. It analyzes the problematic behaviors and provides effective solutions to replace the influential components with effective behaviors that change your mindset towards life. The effective solutions may come in the form of increasing rewarding behavior, teaching new behaviors, or exposure to events that are completely opposite to those that took a toll on your mind. Most of these treatments rely on cognitive interventions and some of them on active behavioral changes.

Mindfulness-based Therapy

This is the latest addition to CBT. It is more of a meditative technique that directs your mind towards focused and non-judgmental thoughts. However, in some cases, the expert may require cognitive intervention.

However, the intervention leans more towards mindful activities that keep your mind busy with positive and philosophical thoughts. Some activities also question life's past, present, and future to keep your mind diverted from negative emotions.

How can Cognitive-behavioral Therapy help?

Cognitive-behavioral therapy plays a fundamental role in your behavioral changes. It teaches you to take control of the things around you and have a positive outlook on life. Here are a few ways this therapy can help:

• It makes you think positively and keep negative emotions and behaviors away.

• It doesn't make you take medicines.

• It ensures that you have a positive outlook towards everyone.

Reframe Counseling Services offers cognitive behavioral therapy in Holly Springs and North Raleigh. We can talk to you and suggest the number of therapy sessions you need to get back to your normal life. Call us today to set up an appointment at your convenience. To find a cognitive behavioral therapist, contact us today!

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